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Who we are?

Since 2010, the website Ander Europa (‘Another Europe’) is a collaboration of Dutch and Flemish left-wing activists, who joined forces after both opposing the ‘European constitution’ in 2004-2005. We thought it important to continue disseminating information and critical analyses on EU policy, all the more so as there are few alternatives to mainstream media coverage in our Dutch language area.

We have a small editorial team, independent from any organisation or party, and working on a fully voluntary basis. Expenses are paid by ourselves and by occasional donations by readers. What unites us is the conviction that cooperation among European countries is necessary, but that the current European Union is an undemocratic political structure that largely escapes the control of citizens and even of their representatives in national parliaments. The EU represents the interests of big business, not the general interest. Its ‘market fundamentalism’ is a terrible obstacle for intra-European cooperation and for international solidarity.

Most articles are written by ourselves, but we also publish Dutch translations from English, French and German texts. More recently, extraordinary events as the Greek defeat and the Covid-19 crisis make it more and more desirable to exchange views with larger circles in Europe. We therefore start (2020) a section with English translations of a few of our articles. Occasionally, translations in other languages may appear. They are freely available for publication if the source is clearly mentioned.

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