Komende evenementen

New but just as bad as before: the European asylum and migration policy

…(ETUC) is reacting sharply: “The Commission’s proposal moves the EU further away from an approach to migration and asylum based on solidarity and human rights and towards a system which…

Europa opnieuw ontvoerd, musea weren zich

…later, for the dictatorship of the Troika Commissaries. For Europe, it is now the time of nightmares: fascism and exploitation, colonialism and racism are turning up, from the oblivion to

De fatale constructiefouten van Europa

…ontstonden er tussen de landen van Europa grote financiële onevenwichten. Landen als Duitsland, Nederland, Oostenrijk en Finland, bouwden geldoverschotten op, terwijl de zogenaamde PIIGS landen (Portugal, Italië, Ierland, Griekenland en…


…uranium wapens, Bruxelles Panthères, Comité Surveillance OTAN, (Belgium), Communist Party of Finland, International Coordinating Committee of “No to war – no to NATO”, Leuvense Vredesbeweging (Belgium), Links Ecologisch Forum (LEF,…

Antonis Draganigos op de meeting “Strijden om te winnen”, Brussel, 9 maart 2013

…Unemployment will rise, Greece will collapse.” This did to to terrify the Greek people and to gather enough seats for the pro-troika parties, in order to form a government. But,…

Klacht Vredesactie over EU-geheimdoenerij rond Defensieagentschap erkend door ombudsdienst

…of the funded projects, it is also important to assure the public that these aspects are examined carefully, and that necessary safeguards are put in place, most notably, to ensure…

The new European parliament confirms its militaristic credentials

…calls for the EU and its Member States to increase their military support to Ukraine for as long as necessary and in whatever form necessary; reiterates its previous position that…

Pornography and anti-capitalism banned from English schools

…violate international law a little is to be compared with the life-threatening violation of human rights by the European migration policy. *** Translation based on www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***  …