Komende evenementen

Le miroir aux alouettes de “l’initiative citoyennen européenne”

par Herman Michiel 20 janvier 2021 Traduction par Hamel Puissant et François Houart (Gauche Anticapitaliste)  de l’article U zei: Europees burgerinitiatief?   Le principe d’initiative citoyenne européenne, lancée en 2012,…

Das europäische Kurzarbeitergeld ist ein Geschenk an die Konzerne

Klaus Dräger und Herman Michiel –  27 November 2020 – Mit der SURE-Initiative stellt die EU einen Plan für ein europäisches Kurzarbeitergeld vor. Die Maßnahmen werden als Sozialprogramm für die…

EU SURE initiative: saving jobs or pleasing investors?

Herman Michiel and Klaus Dräger (*) 13 November 2020   When the European Commission finally realized that something serious was going on with corona, it launched, among other things, an…

Pornography and anti-capitalism banned from English schools

Herman Michiel 29 September 2020   The British Department of Education last week announced guidelines to assist schools and teachers in England in their approach to sometimes ‘sensitive’ issues such…

New but just as bad as before: the European asylum and migration policy

Herman Michiel (Ander Europa) 25 September 2020   On 23 September, the European Commission launched its proposal for a new asylum and migration policy. This consists of five legislative texts…


September 2020   APPEAL TO THE LEFT PARTIES IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT On 23 July, the vast majority of the Left Group (GUE/NGL) in the European Parliament approved, together with…

When european leaders speak of offering grants …

Herman Michiel 30 May 2020 Timeo neoliberales et dona ferentes   I would like to draw attention to an unusual proposal for overcoming the economical consequences of the corona crisis…

Τα fake news της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής

του Herman Michiel 11 May 2020  Greek translation of  Het fake news van de Europese Commissie over coronahulp aan de lidstaten, published on https://tpt4.org/2020/05/18/εε-μια-πολύ-fake-μάχη-κατά-του-κορονοϊού/     Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή φοβόταν,…