Komende evenementen

Taking left-wing victories to proper value

  9 July 2024 – There have been a number of recent electoral results that can rightly be described as left-wing successes. In France, the ‘Nouveau Front Populaire’ was able…

Outrageous: Orbán wants peace in Ukraine

  Herman Michiel 4 July 2024   The ‘rotating presidency’ of the EU Council passed from Belgium to Hungary on 1 July. This means that the meetings of that Council…

East, West, who fakes best?

  H. Michiel, 18 June 2024   During the election period, the EU had pulled out all the stops to intercept “disinformation actors from inside and outside the EU” as…

Interview with Marc Botenga, member of the European Parliament for the radical left Belgian PTB party

  6 June 2024    At the 2019 European elections, Marc Botenga was the first one to be elected on a radical left list in Belgium, the Parti du Travail…

Economic Recovery Fund as cover for neoliberal reforms

This translation of  “Economisch Herstelfonds als dekmantel voor neoliberale hervormingen” was published on the Canadian site The Bullet   Herman Michiel 8 August 2023   One usually has the impression…

European Parliament to Join the Militarisation Path

This translation of  “Europees Parlement mee in het militariseringsbad” was published  on the Canadian site The Bullet, on Monthly Review Online.and on GlobalResearch   May 26, 2023  • Herman Michiel…

A geopolitical European Union?

  by Klaus Dräger (*) May 8, 2023    On taking office as President of the EU Commission in 2019, Ursula von der Leyen said she wanted to create a…

Towards Armageddon? The EU, the Ukraine war, and its collaterals

  Klaus Dräger (*) 25 October 2022 This English version of Wat doet de oorlog in Oekraïne met de EU? (Ander Europa, 11/10/2022) was published on Defend Democracy Press (23/10/22).…